
 2011.04.08. 22:24

Annyit kavargok mostanában, de per pillanat nagyon, nagyon meg vagyok nyugodva. Szinte szokatlan ez az érzés. Nem vagyok sem elkeseredett, sem dühös, sem nem félek semmitől... Tényleg furcsa. Nem voltam egész nap ilyen jól és gyanítom nem is fogok így maradni, de mégis. Most jó. Settled and calm. Just like a tiny, beautiful, turquise lake somewhere in the Alps. It's not moving, it's not wrinkling. It is smooth as a sheet of ice. But this smoothness is the most fragile thing on Earth. All it needs is a peeble being thrown into it and it rises up. It wrinkles and lops is circles. It takes a long time to smoothen down again. Just because of its nature. This is how it goes.

I wish I wasn't feeling ill... The window is still open. I stop in every five minutes or so and I take a few moments to make sure my understands it. 'The window is open.' And I'm not freezing cold. What's more, the air feels great. There is no windstorm out there anymore there is nothing wrong.

Címkék: időjárás angol

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